If you own a business and are past age 50, you are probably thinking about how to eventually transfer your family business to your heirs. The business you built and the reputation you nurtured can be a legacy that will continue past your lifespan.
So, you will want to smoothly transfer the family business, while at the same time protecting your estate against high inheritance taxes. Here are 5 suggestions on what you need to do/consider:
Your company’s worth and vitality likely reflect your skills, experience, and the people who helped you build it. You’ll need to judge whether the business can carry on without you. If your heirs do not have your devotion and business acumen, or your customer base might erode because of your absence, you might want to consider other business closure alternatives.
You are going to need a professional business valuation and tax expert. That expert will be someone who can help you past whatever nostalgic or emotional attachment you have to tax
your business with a realistic and unbiased assessment. If you intend to retain some financial interest after you transfer the business, you need to know its actual net worth.
Transferring your business as a gift is subject to state and federal gift tax regulations. You, not the recipient, pay the tax; however, the IRS has been known to go after a recipient when the donor defaults on the tax payment. See this IRS list of frequently asked questions on gift taxes.
Your options include:
You have decided that the business can carry on without you, and you know the business is on a solid foundation. You have protected your estate from crippling inheritance taxes. Your next step is business succession planning.
Chandler & Knowles CPAs can help you take this important step in preserving your legacy. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help with family business estate planning.